Main ethnicities in Taiwan


There are two main ethnic groups in Taiwan. These are in descending order in terms of population.

Han Chinese

Han Chinese constitute around 98% of Taiwanese citizens today. They live mostly in the western and northern lowlands of Taiwan.

There were several waves of Chinese settlers mainly from Fujian which is the closest province in China to Taiwan. These Southern Min people form the largest Han Chinese subgroup (70%) in Taiwan. The Hakkas are the second largest Han Chinese subgroup (15%).
Dragon boat

Han Chinese live in western and northern coastal plains

Native Taiwanese

The native Taiwanese constitute around 2% of Taiwanese citizens today. There are 14 subgroups and they are all Austronesians.

They are called Gao-shan (high mountain) people by the Chinese because most of them live in mountainous areas in eastern part of Taiwan.

Native Taiwanese live in eastern mountains

Last updated: 1 July 2020
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